CTR Bikes offers a Guaranteed Bike Replacement Program for both stolen and accident-destroyed bikes. Unlike the Distributor Warranty or the Manufacturer WarrantiesManufacturer's Warranties, the Guaranteed Bike Replacement Program is purchased in addition to your missionary bike.
In addition to the one year warranty provided by the manufacturer, our fulfillment distributor also provides an additional second year warranty.
This warranty offers further protection for any legitimate defects not previously discovered. It does not cover misuse, abuse, accidents or wear and tear. Each situation will be reviewed for any of these possibilities, and thereafter, if a true defect has been discovered, it will be reimbursed appropriately. This means that the component which has failed will be returned for review and replacement through our fulfillment distributor.
The 800 telephone number on the bicycle is used to contact our fulfillment distributor. Only original components will be replaced with similar or like components. No other costs will be included in this second year warranty.
We reserve the right to make changes or adjustments to this website, its prices, policies, guaranties and/or procedures, without notice.
Each bike manufacturer carries their own warranties that protects against manufacturer defects, breakage and various other defects. Each manufacturer's warranty is different and may cover different ascpects of your bike and for different amounts of time. Review the manufacturer's warranty of your missionary bike of choice to learn more about the specific details.
This bike is warrantied for 3 months only.
Call for details.